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Supplements, Focus, Depression

2 min read

I looked for many solutions when I was struggling with anxiety fifteen months ago. This physical and mental state causes some other side effects, such as lack of focus, depression, and sleep problems, which can lead to many other problems. But if you try to find a solution for each one of these issues, you will end up in a worse place. The best approach is to use the first principles rule: identify the root cause of all the issues.

But if you can't find it or can't solve it right away, you can at least take care of your brain. And the most important thing for your health is to do whatever you can to lower your cortisol levels. Ask Google (or ChatGPT) how cortisol interferes with your body's routine and how to lower it (exercise, meditation, removing distractions, etc). I highly recommend listening to this episode of the Huberman Lab podcast:

After addressing what is within your reach regarding cortisol issues, I think it's a good idea to take some supplements. Again, go and look into how and why, and understand the cost-benefit of each of these substances and the side effects.

Here's what I have been taking for the last 12 months:


  • l-teanina 100mg
  • taurine 500mg
  • magnesium aspartate 700mg


  • vitamin D and vitamin K2 (ideal levels around 80 ng/mL)
  • vitamin B12 (ideal levels around 800 pg/mL)
  • omega-3
  • coenzyme Q10
  • PQQ
  • creatine

Thoroughly research and consider any advice on your health before following it. Be proactive in seeking out information and learning about your health. Prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor to ensure you fully understand their recommendations. And maybe consider changing your doctor.